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2021年06月03日 17:36:369编辑

the road not taken two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry i could not travel both and be one traveler, long i stood and looked down one as far as i could to where it bent in the undergrowth; then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for that, the passing there had worn them really about the same, and both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black. oh, i marked the first for another day! yet knowing how way leads on to way i doubted if i should ever come back. i shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood, and i, i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. 未选择的路 the road not taken 罗伯特.弗罗斯特(1874一1963)是在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯上的中学,也在达特第斯学院和哈佛大学读过一段时间。获得诗名之前,弗罗斯特时而务农,时而到中学教希腊语和拉丁语。他的第一部诗集出版于1913年。1916年后,他一直在著名学府任职,通常的身份是“住校诗人”。弗罗斯特的诗歌备受喜爱,原因之一是未受过多少学校教育的人都看得懂。当许多诗人热衷于搞诗歌试验时,他却坚持使用日常语言,描写自己观察入微的日常事件。弗罗斯特的许多诗歌反映了他与大自然的贴近。他通过自然来表达一种象征意义,而不是什么田园式的思乡情调。《未选择的路》是弗罗斯特的一首名诗,作于1915年。 黄叶林中出条岔路, 无奈一人难于兼顾, 顺着一条婉蜒小路, 久久伫立极目远眺, 只见小径拐进灌木。 接着选择了另一条, 同样清楚似乎更好, 引人踩踏铺满茂草, 踏在其间难分彼此, 尽管真有两条道。 清晨里躺着两条路, 一样叶被无人踏脏, 愿将第一条来日补, 但知条条相连远途, 怀疑日后怎能回返。 在很久以后某一地, 我将叹息诉说于人, 两路岔开在树林里, 我选的那条足迹稀, 而一切差别由此起。 kate starr (4/29/2007 2:17:00 pm) there are many paths to life from which one can choose. but the difficulty comes when you have narrowed them down. this now becomes a difficult decision knowing the final two are more similar than different. once made, though, you may secretly hope you’ll get another chance should you fail, but knowing yourself and your ways, you realize that won’t happen, so you muster up the courage to unashamedly accept the path you chose regardless, and you don’t look back. amanda hger (4/21/2007 1:25:00 pm) this poem is beautiful and it overwhelmes me. it captures all the feelings you might have while choosing your path in life. robert frost speaks about taking a risk; to choose the more difficult way. that is what life is about. not to follow the stream - it is about finding yourself and choosing what is best for you. thank you for this amazing poem. or, first you can read gene's comments about the poem "the road not taken" was my favorite poem for many years. of course it started with an actual experience rather than with something symbolic. when i was much younger, my father, my brothers and i were hiking on old roads in the woods. we came to a fork; and unlike in the poem, we decided to take the one that looked more traveled. it turned out to be a good hike; and as i remember, we came out on the highway, and went back to our car without retracing the road back to the fork. but i always remembered the other road, and vowed that i would come back again some day and follow it. again, unlike the poem, i did! a few years later, after i had my own driver's license, i dragged a girlfriend on that hike and followed that road. it was lousy! the road just fizzled out and led to nowhere! we had to go back the same way we came. the lesson here is the opposite of the one attributed to frost. he said don't be a conformist, and you'll be better off! i haven't quite lived my life just following the crowd either! i work at a job that very few people do, and my lifestyle and hobbies are anything but conformist. i mean, how many people collect antique tractors?!