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随园诗话全文 翻译

2023年01月16日 08:47:421

一、随园诗话全文 翻译

HeChun nest to YuYun: sand island bamboo, rugao, sex of self-value aloof; not test unsold, then abandoned his book, footprint all over the world. The push the person that weigh, but Mr.. With its autumn, cloud: small court people Yi silence propping up a toast to fragrance, alone. Dusk, the cold wind blow not idle rain on the shade. At cloud; The bell has broken rice; smoke, accidentally to idle front. The sunset on temple ninth color pedestrians absolutely, empty see the mountain peaks in a day. And, read the poetry with > cloud: disc under the sweet good with the security, HuangJinZhu who worship?



这句意思就是 梅树上开满了梅花

上一句中:随园担粪者十月中在梅下喜报云:有一身花矣。这句就体现了梅树已经开满了一树的花 担粪者看见了十分之欣喜的告诉了余

僧人说的是:这梅花是开在园中的 带不走。

余的意思是:我是怜爱这梅树 不愿意将她孕育出来的花朵带走


将梅树比作一妇人 不忍心将她的孩子带离身边的悯人之情、

僧人是对于不能带走梅树而惋惜 而余某是因为懂得分离之苦所以不忍带走梅花的释然。



三、随园诗话 翻译

HeChun nest to YuYun: sand island bamboo, rugao, sex of self-value aloof; not test unsold, then abandoned his book, footprint all over the world. The push the person that weigh, but Mr.. With its autumn, cloud: small court people Yi silence propping up a toast to fragrance, alone. Dusk, the cold wind blow not idle rain on the shade. At cloud; The bell has broken rice; smoke, accidentally to idle front. The sunset on temple ninth color pedestrians absolutely, empty see the mountain peaks in a day. And, read the poetry with > cloud: disc under the sweet good with the security, HuangJinZhu who worship?


金鳞岂是池中物 一遇风云便化龙 九霄龙吟惊天变 风云际会浅水游


诗人汇聚自然界的清静之气,以自然界的一些景物表述自己心中所想,达到了融景于情,融情于景,这些自然景物在自然界,存在的时间并不长,但诗人使它们的意境长存,平常人也曾有关于这方面的描写,但没有达到情景相融的境界,就算是用心去雕塑描绘 却不能通意, 通神。

六、随园诗话 译文 急!急!急!
