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英语材料作文的特点? 汉语的特点英语作文?

2023年12月05日 00:04:371



1、 观点鲜明的开头;

2、 紧扣主题的结尾;

3、 有主题句并且衔接自然的中间段落。




My eyes of western cultureMy eyes of the western culture is colorfulThe Eiffel Tower in ParisAmerican WashingtonThere are many religionsFor example, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etcAmerican holiday that is rich and colorfulSuch as well known valentine's day, Christmas, and many of the festival.Foreign like design, can always able to design a strange thing to attract people's eyeballsWhat we lack of is what they areSo we all learn from western cultureThis is my eyes of western culture我眼中的西方文化我眼中的西方文化是多姿多彩的巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔美国的华盛顿还有许多的宗教比如,有佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教等美国的节日那个也是丰富多彩的例如大家众所周知的情人节啦,圣诞节啦,还有很多的节日。外国喜欢设计,总是可以能够设计出稀奇古怪的东西来吸引人们的眼球我们所欠缺的正是他们所擅长的所以我们要好好的向西方学习文化这就是我眼中的西方文化..


With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus.

The popularization of private car has many advantages.



British history began in Germanic and Celtic, and later in England, Wales and Scotland. Its origin can be traced back to Roman rule.

Britain is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of Northern Ireland and the whole history of Britain is made up of the interweaving of the four regions.

Wales became part of the Kingdom of England in 1535. The defeat of the Spanish Invincible Fleet in 1588 by the Naval Battle of Gravoline frustrated the invasion of foreign Catholic forces.

basically eliminating the threat of Catholicism and consolidating the achievements of religious reform.

In 1640, Britain broke out the first bourgeois revolution in the world and became the pioneer of the bourgeois revolution. The Republic was proclaimed on 19 May 1649.

The restoration of the dynasty in 1660 and the "Glorious Revolution" in 1688 established the constitutional monarchy.

In 1707, England merged with Scotland. Through the Seven Years'War, Britain laid the foundation of the Sunset Empire and gained the hegemony of the sea.

It was merged with Ireland in 1801. After the Napoleonic War, Britain completed the imperial hegemony of the Sunset Empire.

From the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, it became the first country in the world to complete the industrial revolution.

The nineteenth century was the heyday of the British Empire. The colonies occupied in 1914 were 111 times larger than those in the mainland.

They were the first colonial power and claimed to be the "Sunset Empire".

In 1922, the Republic of Ireland became independent, and Northern Ireland remained in the United Kingdom, that is, Northern Ireland today


this is the earth. the green part is land. the blue part is sea. the white part is clouds. our earth is very beautiful and interesting.


Fu Lei (傅雷,1908-1966) was raised by his mother,he studied art and art theory in France.Upon his return to China,he taught in Shanghai and translated French writers,including Voltaire,Balzac and Romain Rolland.He had his own style,the Fu Lei style.Though labeled a rightist in 1957,he persevered until 1966,when,at the start of the Cultural Revolution,he and his wife committed suicide.His letters to his son Fu Cong,a world-renowned pianist,were published post-humously and are highly regarded.


borrow some equipments



1. 那头大象的耳朵就像铁扇公主的芭蕉扇,长长的鼻子甩来甩去,身体就像一堵厚厚的墙,人们站在它的身边显得好渺小。

2. 河马在水面上睡觉时,宽大的脊背整个儿地露出水面,就像一艘倒扣着的小船在随波荡漾。

3. 骆驼的身体很高大,脖子很长,在沙漠里能看得很远;骆驼的鼻孔很大,嗅觉特别灵敏,尤其擅长找水源,哪儿有水,老远就能嗅到。

4. 憨态可掬的小熊猫像个球一样滚来滚去,闲下来的时候,就抱着竹子啃,咬得特别卖力,好像很香甜的样子。

5. 那深沉如洪钟般的狮子的吼声响起,有一种惊天动地的感觉,虽然离得很远,但是依然感觉有些害怕。

6. 猴子们非常调皮可爱,有些在假山上上蹿下跳;有些在认真地吃坚果;还有成年猴子在静静地看护着小猴子……

7. 只见老虎昂着头,张开大嘴,打了个哈欠,然后吐出一条血红的舌头,舔了舔尖刀般的牙齿,顺便翘起了钢针般的胡须,把身体抖了两抖,就迈开大步走开了。

8. 北极熊在水中就像在陆地上一样麻利轻巧,它像狗一样地游着,一会儿露出头来,一会儿潜入水底。

9. 鹿群全都被带着跑起来了,速度越来越快,放眼望去,就像秋风卷走的一堆栗红色落叶。

10. 有几只长颈鹿高高地挺着脖子,脑袋差不多跟树梢一般高,悠闲自在地围着树吃叶子。

